Saturday, December 11, 2004

Find endian-ness of machine - a simple C program

/*Author: Nishant Agarwal, mail:*/
int main ()
unsigned int a;
unsigned char* ptr;
int count = 4;
a = 0x11223344;

ptr = (unsigned char*)&a;
while (count > 0)
printf("%x\n", *ptr);
if (count == 0)
if ((unsigned int)*ptr == 0x44)
printf("Machine is little endian\n");
else printf ("Machine is big endian\n");

return 0;

Java Socket Programming Tutorial

Look it up at:

Port Scanner script in Perl

use strict;
use IO::Socket;
#this is the victim machine :)
#tell how to use if user didnt enter any machine ip or name
my $peer = shift @ARGV;
if (!$peer) {
print "Usage: perl [victim] \n";
#get the string of well-known ports 1 to 1023
my $wellknown = &getWellKnownPortList;
#now get a hash which has keys as port number and value as the well known service
my %hash = split /:/, $wellknown;
%hash = reverse %hash;
#now get a list of port numbers in sorted order
my @ports = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %hash;
#try to create a new socket on each of these ports , the $peer is the machine on which you want to run port scanner
my $sock;
foreach (@ports) {
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new("$peer:$_");
print "\nPort $_ $hash{$_} open\n" if ($sock);
print "Done.\n";
#this is the long list of well known ports downloaded from internet , port numbers 1 to 1023
#the file is in /etc/services
sub getWellKnownPortList {

"tcpmux:1:compressnet:2:compressnet:3:rje:5:echo:7:discard:9:systat:11: .... and so on, I dont
put all ports here for clarity... mail me for complete code or look up on website at }

What is Pure code anyway?

I have been asked by many as to what and why is my website id, pure code is a dirty alias for re-entrant code, or
non self modifying code. I wanted to give an explanation. Nothing
works better then an example. See the compilation unit given below in
c. Notice the various data types declared, they include static
variables, global variables, constant data types, pointers and so on.
Now see the assembly dump below that, and see in which sections did
they all go. I assume familiarity with the sections of a unix process:
text, read only data, initalized data, bss -> unitialized data, stack
and the heap. Naturally, we cant examine the contents of the stack and
the heap so easily, but we can find out whats in the other sections.
For code to be pure, or re-entrant, or non self modifying, the
requirement is that the code should be contained only in the text and
the .rodata (read-only) sections of the process. Static and global
data fall into the .bss and .data sections unless they are constants.
If the process is entirely in the text and .rodata sections, then we
can have multiple threads playing around with it, or we can have
multiple users sharing the pages via segmentation or paging virtual
memory implementations, and not worry about any damage to the code. It
is non-self modifying. Multiple calls to the same code will not modify
it too. Now ever wonder why we ever created the heck out of it of
making const objects and having const qualified class methods.
Thread-safe, pure, re-entrant, non self modifying....
const int i = 3;
float b = 3.4;
static int m = 3;
int x;
int *p;
int main()
x = i;
static int l = 5;
p = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int)*2);
int a = 3 + 4;
return 0;
.file "fun.c"
.global b
.section ".data"
.align 4
.type b, #object
.size b, 4
.long 1079613850
.align 4
.type m, #object
.size m, 4
.long 3
.global x
.section ".bss"
.align 4
.type x, #object
.size x, 4
.skip 4
.global p
.align 4
.type p, #object
.size p, 4
.skip 4
.section ".data"
.align 4
.type _ZZ4mainE1l, #object
.size _ZZ4mainE1l, 4
.long 5
.section ".text"
.align 4
.global main
.type main, #function
.proc 04
save %sp, -120, %sp
sethi %hi(x), %g1
or %g1, %lo(x), %o5
mov 3, %g1
st %g1, [%o5]
sethi %hi(p), %g1
or %g1, %lo(p), %l0
mov 8, %o0
call malloc, 0
mov %o0, %g1
st %g1, [%l0]
mov 7, %g1
st %g1, [%fp-20]
sethi %hi(p), %g1
or %g1, %lo(p), %g1
ld [%g1], %o0
call free, 0
mov 0, %g1
mov %g1, %i0
.size main, .-main
.section ".rodata"
.align 4
.type i, #object
.size i, 4
.long 3
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2"